
Advancing your practice as an individual or achieving impact as an organisation is not a straightforward journey. People have different approaches to learning and overcoming challenges can be difficult and at times stifling.

Through our own journey as an organisation, we have developed practical methods and approaches to help us navigate through tough times. It has also helped give us perspective and affirm the importance of sharing our knowledge with individuals and organisations within our wider community for the advancement of our shared objectives.

As an extension of our grants, courses, and programmes, we have developed a focused Advisory Service for the Arts and related sectors that can be tailored towards the evolving needs of individuals and organisations to improve skills, increase understanding, and facilitate inclusivity.


Studies have proven the benefits of mentorship in the Arts, whether to combat isolation, gain insider expertise or enhance skills. Mentorship can help make the sector more transparent and inclusive by providing guidance on an individual’s creative practice, advice on professional protocols, and acting as a sounding board for new ideas.

Our personalised mentoring framework takes into consideration a variety of factors that contribute to the success of an individual, such as critical thinking, creativity, and professional literacy. So no matter what stage an individual is at, we can help to set and achieve tangible goals to further their practice.


There is a misconception that advisory services are only beneficial to younger or emerging organisations. Our belief is that an unbiased, outsider perspective can make a plausible difference across an organisation’s various departments and activities, especially during key milestones in their journey.

By working closely with leaders and team members, we jointly identify challenges an organisation is facing (such as structural, programmatic, engagement) and counteract them with approaches to realign with their mission and vision.